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April 01, 2011

Assalamualaikum..fuh…sedar tak sedar da masuk bulan April… new quarter of 2011 and today is also April Fool…Tp saya sebenarnya tak minat la April Fool ni..sebab kadang2 org terover plak kasi kena kita dan bila isu camtu timbul, maka tercetuslah pergaduhan ka, pertengkaran dan macam2 lagi la.. so buat April Fool biar berpada2.

Yesterday, while working I’ve spent my time looking for a new DSLR which is the EOS 1000D. I’ve been keeping my eyes on this stuff since 2009 actually. For now, I can only afford to buy this I think. This is also my promise to myself that once I get a job, I will reward myself with Canon 1000D. I also have started to go for online shopping, I found that it is more convenient for me, unless if I can’t wait to get something then I will try to find as soon as possible la… So talking about 1000D, well, I think that’s a good start for me to enter the world of photography coz I really love capturing things.

Canon EOS 1000D

Another thing is…I think I have just managed to get over from something..But, that’s secret. Honestly, I am so sad and disappointed but it is better than pretending. I’ve been thinking about this since long time ago but I hold on because I thought that it’s gonna be okay but it’s not. So maybe this is the time to let it go, if we are made to be together then, it will come back to us. If it’s not, then we have to accept.. Like what people always said, truth may hurts but lies would kills and that’s exactly what I did. I know it’s not easy for both of us but, I don’t want to be a selfish either. It’s not fair to him and for me. If someday he read this, I hope he will find someone better than me.


March 29, 2011

A Brand New Start....Again...

It’s been a long time since my last post and only now I felt like I want to write something on my blog. Actually I was inspired after I read a blog by a friend mine but my interest towards blogging was developed since long time ago only that, I never spend a time….and after some period..I forgot already about my blog. Okay, so now, I will make sure that I spent my time blogging.

Well, let’s start with what is the language I should use. Erm, Ok la, I’m going to use both Malay n English la kan.I think that’s gonna be much better. Yang penting, korang semua faham la.

Baiklah kawan2 (cheh…macam la da ada follower), dlm blog ni la saya akan berkongsi apa-apa jak la thoughts or opinions yang bermain di fikiran saya ni so mana yang baik, kita sama2 la amalkan tapi kalau ada yang kurang elok tu, jangan segan2 utk tegur...

Sekarang ni sudah pun masuk tahun 2011. Mac 2011 yang dah hampir nak abis kan?rasa nya masih belum terlambat untuk crita pasal azam 2011. I think that’s a good start for me la..x kesah la skrg da nak abis bulan Mac kan, lusa ni 1 April 2011 and it’s also the beginning of the second quarter in 2011. Sebenarnya azam 2011 saya ni banyak juga..bukan bermakna tiap tahun perlu tukar azam, tp at least setiap tahun yang berlalu 2, kita ada mencapai sesuatu so begitu la yg saya inginkan..

  • To get a job by February (Done)
  • Melabur…yalah…bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian la katakan…

Yg dia atas 2 are my main objectives. So yg seterusnya pula baru2 jak rasa maw buat atas sebab2 kesedaran diri la. Thank God my self-concious is better that it kept me on the ground.

  • Jaga sembahyang

Plg penting la.kadang2 bila lupa 2, hidup cam hilang kawalan juga..fuh..merbahaya..yalah, saya ni mo ckp alim sgt, nda la juga, x la sebaik wanita2 solehah yang ada di luar sana, bukan juga someone yang sempurna sgt didikan agamanya, bukan juga perangai macam orang2 alim. Ada juga la sudut2 gelap dr segi sikap dan perbuatan..manusia x lepas dr buat silap kan, tp klu yg da sedar 2, buat la cam cara org yg da sedar.kan?tp in my case, ya, I know mngkin sesetgh org fikir sy ni bukan pmpuan yg baik2..xpa, Tuhan lebih mengetahui apa yg dibuat oleh hambaNya….dan x mengapa la..Okla, sembahyang itu tiang agama, dan juga satu cara yang dpt buatkan kita lebih fokus dan berdisiplin.

  • Time management

Waduh..ini yang penting ni..masa itu emas. Sekarang ni I always feel cam teda masa. Maw ckp bz sgt x juga, Cuma masa x di urus dgn betul. So after this I will create satu jadual la untuk urus masa. Sebelum ni, sy sebenarnya jenis yg on-time, x buang masa tp nda taw kenapa jd gini. Masa untuk diri sendiri pun mcm teda, so saya terasa sgt la that something has to be done to fix this. I can do it….! Yeah~~

  • Menambah ilmu + mengasah bakat2 terpendam.

For this part, I think very interesting for me la..yalah, saya suka membaca, suka juga buat mcm2 contohnya, buat bisnes, tngkap gmbr, edit2 gmbr, menyanyi, menari I will try utk share something bout that but later.

Rasanya itu saja la buat masa ni… So bagi sesiapa yang rasa2 xda azam 2, x bermakna korg ni xda matlamat hidup Cuma mngkin korg lebih sukakan sesuatu yang spontan, x pyh plan2 lg... mcm org ckp, just do it? Yang penting, jgn la buat sesuatu yang sia2 dan x mendatangkan hasil…

March 18, 2010

My Heart Want To Speak...

Today is just not my day ...
I felt so sad when everything that I do, people see it in a wrong way, especially the person is the one who you really love ..